Documentation 0.1.2 Help

Retrieve our Datasets

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to :

  • Retrieve FRDC's Datasets

  • How to inspect the data

  • How to integrate it with PyTorch's DataLoader

  • How to visualize the data


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  • Setup the Google Cloud Authorization to download the data.

Retrieve the Data

To retrieve the data, use FRDCDatasetPreset. This module presets to load explicitly known datasets.

For example:

from frdc.load.preset import FRDCDatasetPreset ds = FRDCDatasetPreset.chestnut_20201218() for x, y in ds: print(x.shape, y)

You should get something like this:

(831, 700, 8) Falcataria Moluccana (540, 536, 8) Ficus Variegata (457, 660, 8) Bridelia Sp. ...
  • x is a torch.Tensor

  • y is a str.

Iterate through the Data

The dataset, when you load it, will be automatically segmented by bounds. Therefore, if you want to simply loop through the segments and labels, you can treat the dataset as an iterable.

from frdc.load.preset import FRDCDatasetPreset ds = FRDCDatasetPreset.chestnut_20201218() for x, y in ds: print(x.shape, y)

If you just want the segments or targets separately, use .ar_segments and .targets respectively.

from frdc.load.preset import FRDCDatasetPreset ds = FRDCDatasetPreset.chestnut_20201218() for x in ds.ar_segments: print(x.shape) for y in ds.targets: print(y)

If you want the entire image, use .ar.

from frdc.load.preset import FRDCDatasetPreset ds = FRDCDatasetPreset.chestnut_20201218() ar =

Finally, inspect the order of the bands through the band_order attribute.

from frdc.load.preset import FRDCDatasetPreset ds = FRDCDatasetPreset.chestnut_20201218() ds.band_order
> ['WB', 'WG', 'WR', 'NB', 'NG', 'NR', 'RE', 'NIR']

Using with PyTorch's DataLoader

Every FRDCDataset is a Dataset object, so you can use it with PyTorch's DataLoader. This allows you to retrieve by batches!

from import DataLoader from torchvision.transforms.v2 import CenterCrop, Compose, Resize, ToImage from frdc.load.preset import FRDCDatasetPreset ds = FRDCDatasetPreset.chestnut_20201218( use_legacy_bounds=True, transform=Compose([ToImage(), Resize(100), CenterCrop(100)]), ) dl = DataLoader(ds, batch_size=4, shuffle=True) for x, y in dl: print(x.shape, y)

Which should output

torch.Size([4, 8, 100, 100]) ('Falcataria Moluccana', ...) torch.Size([4, 8, 100, 100]) ('Clausena Excavata', ...) torch.Size([4, 8, 100, 100]) ('Clausena Excavata', ...) ...

Plot the Data (Optional)

We can then use these data to plot out the first tree segment.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from frdc.load.preset import FRDCDatasetPreset from frdc.preprocess.scale import scale_0_1_per_band ds = FRDCDatasetPreset.chestnut_20201218() segment_0_bgr = ds.ar_segments[0] segment_0_rgb = segment_0_bgr[..., [2, 1, 0]] segment_0_rgb_scaled = scale_0_1_per_band(segment_0_rgb) plt.imshow(segment_0_rgb_scaled) plt.title(f"Tree {ds.targets[0]}")

See also: preprocessing.scale.scale_0_1_per_band

MatPlotLib cannot show the data correctly as-is, so we need to

  • Convert the data from BGR to RGB

  • Scale the data to 0-1 per band

Last modified: 26 June 2024