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ML Architecture

The architecture is the backbone of the project. If you're interested on how everything is pieced together, this article is for you.

In Machine Learning architectures, we mostly care about 2 things the data, and the model. As the name implies, DataModules, DataLoaders, Datasets deal with data, and Modules for model construction.

Data Classes

There's a small difference between the Data___ classes. Firstly, we load data in as Dataset instances, then preprocessed before being batched by DataLoader, finally, housed in DataModule.

Train DataLoader
Validation DataLoader
Test DataLoader
Cropping or Resizing
Data Source

There are 2 IMPORTANT design decisions here:

Dataset and DataLoader

Data in Dataset are unbatched, data in DataLoader must be batched. This means that it's possible to have jagged tensors at this stage, however they must be made "stackable" before loading into the DataLoader.

For example, the data in Dataset could be of shapes [(8, 200, 100), (8, 100, 300), ...]. While, BEFORE loading into DataLoader must have equal shapes, for example [(8, 100, 100), (8, 100, 100), ...]

This is because when you initialize a DataLoader you need to include the batch_size, which implies the data are stacked in some manner.

This also leads to the reason why preprocessing must happen before the DataLoader


Excluding functionalities to load the data, this is the step before the data is set in stone. So, steps such as augmentation, transformation, even analytics needs to be performed here as the data is in its "rawest" form.

We use this step to

  1. Construct alternative augmentations. i.e. images that we could've taken instead.

  2. Using those alternatives, add distortions. i.e. unintentional changes to the photo that reduces quality.

  3. Cropping or resizing the image.

  4. Scale the data. e.g. Standard Scaling, ZCA Scaling, etc.

The order of the steps are choice by design.


We analyze the inheritance structure of the Modules (also the ML Models):

Library Module
PyTorch Module
Lightning Module
FRDC Module
FixMatch Module
MixMatch Module
EfficientNetB1 FixMatch Module
EfficientNetB1 MixMatch Module
Custom Module

Custom Modules are our self-defined classes.

  • FRDC Module: This is the base class for all our models. Implements common functionality, such as partial saving of unfrozen parameters.

  • Y Module: Y is the architecture/framework of the model in our case, this only defines the method of training, not the actual model itself.

  • X Y Module: X defines the actual model being used within Y's framework.

To give an example, we look at EfficientNetB1FixMatchModule. Due to its naming scheme <Model><Framework>Module, we see that it's an EfficientNetB1 model used in the FixMatch framework.

Furthermore, because it's well decoupled, implementing a new model is as easy as overriding some defaults.

Last modified: 26 June 2024