Documentation 0.1.2 Help

MixMatch Module

See frdc/train/

Quick Recap

We will go over the essential parts of the code here. Before that, we revise some of the concepts that are used in the code.

Abstract Methods

In Python, we can define abstract methods using the abc module. Just like other OOP languages, abstract methods are methods that must be implemented by the child class.

For example:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod class MyAbstractClass(ABC): @abstractmethod def my_abstract_method(self): pass class MyChildClass(MyAbstractClass): def my_abstract_method(self): print("Hello World!")

nn.Module & LightningModule

If you're unfamiliar with PyTorch, you should read the nn.Module Documentation.

nn.Module is the base class for all neural network modules in PyTorch. While LightningModule is a PyTorch Lightning class that extends nn.Module, providing it with additional functionality that reduces boilerplate code.

By implementing it as a LightningModule, we also enter the PyTorch Lightning ecosystem, which provides us with a lot of useful features such as logging, early stopping, and more.

What do we implement in a Module?

One key component that nn.Module requires, is the model. So for example:

class MyModule(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.model = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(28 * 28, 128), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(128, 10), ) def forward(self, x): return self.model(x)

PyTorch Lightning builds on top of it, requiring training_step and validation_step. Each "step" is a batch of data, and the model is trained on it. So for example:

class MyModule(LightningModule): def __init__(self): ... def forward(self, x): ... def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): x, y = batch y_hat = self(x) loss = F.cross_entropy(y_hat, y) return loss def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): x, y = batch y_hat = self(x) loss = F.cross_entropy(y_hat, y) return loss

Usually, the training and validation steps are the same, but in some cases, such as MixMatch, they are different. In MixMatch, we not only use a different loss function for train, we also handle a batch differently. The PyTorch Lightning framework allows us to separate the two, and implement them separately.

Model Embedded Preprocessing on_before_batch_transfer

In PyTorch Lightning, we can also inject a step before the batch is passed to the model. This is done by overriding the on_before_batch_transfer method.


This allows us to do preprocessing on the batch, such as scaling the data, encoding the labels, and more.

Custom EMA Update on_after_backward

We also leverage another hook, called on_after_backward. This hook is called after the backward pass, and allows us to do custom operations. In our case, we use it to update the EMA model.



We recommend having tests/model_tests/chestnut_dec_may/ open while reading this section. It implements a real-world example of MixMatch.

As a summary:

  1. We learned what is an abstract method, and how to implement it

  2. We implement the model in LightningModule much like we would in nn.Module

  3. We implement on_before_batch_transfer to preprocess the batch

  4. Finally, we implement on_after_backward to update the EMA model

With the above in mind, let's look at the MixMatch implementation.

forward (abstract)

Forward pass of the model

ema_model (abstract)

The model that is used for EMA. We expect this property to be implemented by the child class.

update_ema (abstract)

The method to update the EMA model. We expect this method to be implemented by the child class.

loss_unl_scaler (static)

Takes in the current progress of the training, 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the start of the training, and 1.0 is the end. Then, returns the multiplier for the unlabeled loss.

loss_lbl (static)

Implements the loss for labeled data. Takes in the predicted labels and the ground truth labels, and returns the loss. This is cross entropy for MixMatch.

loss_unl (static)

Implements the loss for unlabeled data. Takes in the predicted labels and the ground truth labels, and returns the loss. This is MSE for MixMatch.


Takes in the data and the labels, the beta distribution parameter, and returns the mixed data and labels.


Takes in the labels and temperature, and returns the sharpened labels.


Takes in the unlabeled data, and returns the guessed labels.


The current progress of the training, 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the start of the training, and 1.0 is the end.


The training step runs through 1 batch of data, and returns the loss. Note that this is significantly different from validation step, as we handle the K-Augmented data differently.

test / validation_step

The test / validation step runs through 1 batch of data, and returns the loss.


The predict step runs through 1 batch of data, and returns the actual decoded labels.


The on_after_backward hook is called after the backward pass, and allows us to do custom operations. In our case, we use it to update the EMA model.


The on_before_batch_transfer hook is called before the batch is transferred to the GPU. In our case, we use it to preprocess the batch.

A diagram of how these components interact with each other is shown below:


Finally, we show an example of how to use the MixMatch module:

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, OrdinalEncoder from frdc.train.mixmatch_module import MixMatchModule ss = StandardScaler() oe = OrdinalEncoder( handle_unknown="use_encoded_value", unknown_value=np.nan, ) MixMatchModule( x_scaler=ss, y_encoder=oe, n_classes=10, sharpen_temp=0.5, mix_beta_alpha=0.75, )

In particular, we need to supply some transformations for the preprocessing step. In this case, we use StandardScaler to scale the data, and OrdinalEncoder to encode the labels.

  1. It's best if standardization is done only on the training data, and not the validation data to better fit real-world scenarios.

  2. We use OrdinalEncoder as it handles unseen labels. So if a class doesn't show up in the training data, it will be encoded as np.nan, and will not participate in the loss calculation.

Design Choices

Static Method Overriding

We implement many functions as static, as we believe that a functional style reduces dependencies, thus making the code easier to test and debug.

Furthermore, it allows the subclasses to easily override the functions, to customize the behavior of the MixMatch module.

For example, the loss_unl_scaler function is static, thus, we can implement our own scaling function, and pass it to the MixMatch module.

def my_loss_unl_scaler(progress: float) -> float: return progress ** 2 class MyMixMatchModule(MixMatchModule): @staticmethod def loss_unl_scaler(progress: float) -> float: return my_loss_unl_scaler(progress)

If we had used a method instead, we would have to consider instance state, which would make it harder to override.

Why not use Dataclasses?

One of the biggest caveats of nn.Module is that it requires super().__init__() to be called before anything is assigned. While dataclass can leverage __post_init__ to do the same, we felt that this was too much of a hassle to save a few keystrokes. Thus, we opted to use __init__ instead, while more verbose, it is more explicit.

Why use PyTorch Lightning?

While we did hit some road blocks implementing SSL, due to its complex and unconventional nature, we felt that the benefits of using PyTorch Lightning outweighed the cons.

on_before_batch_transfer and on_after_backward are unconventional hooks, and we had to do some digging to find them. It can be argued that by just writing explicit code, we can avoid the need for these hooks, but the PyTorch ecosystem fixes many other issues, so we closed an eye on this.


Last modified: 26 June 2024